Best Groenendael in Specialty Show, Hungarian Junior Champion,

Australian Supreme Champion Qila de la Terre Sauvage (imp Hun) HT

Bred by Agnes Gombar, Terre Sauvage Kennel, Hungary

Belgian Shepherd Dalibel BelginOz

Born — 29 March 2014
Where — Hungary Health tests - Eyes, Hips, elbows and DNA
Titles— Hungarian Junior Champion, Australian Supreme Champion, Herding Test

Qila goes in for Best in the Working Dog Group

Qila has beautiful movement - free flowing as a Belgian should be


Qila - strength, elegance and brains


BISS Groenendael, Hungarian Junior Champion & Aust Supreme Champion Qila de la Terre Sauvage (imp Hun) HT

Qila is our Princess who is a versatile female with a fabulous temperament.

Since coming to Australia she has excelled in the showring winning many fans for what she brings to the breed here in Australia.

We imported Qila for her soundness, excellent bone, fabulous lineage and as a quality female to help us improve the stability and drive of Belgians in Australia. Qila has achieved this and so much more.

Qila loves to work and really comes alive during training. She loves going anywhere in the car, prefers people over other dogs but still gets on well with other dogs. She is easy going and very easy to live with.

Qila has fabulous, free flowing movement and is a great ambassador of the breed.

March 2022 Qila becomes a SUPREME CHAMPION and the first and only female Groenendael Supreme Champion with a working title in Australia ❣️💟



